The spring tree planting season has started
03. 2024

From March 16 to 18, on the eve of the national holiday of Navruz, a nationwide hashar is traditionally held in all regions of our country. The events were attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Abdulla Aripov, representatives of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change and system units, the Prosecutor General's Office, regional khokimiyats, volunteers, etc.

During the event, held under the slogan "A well-maintained and prosperous mahalla is the decoration of the country", the spring planting season of tree seedlings across the republic started. In particular, in the Bostanlyk district, about 2 thousand seedlings of fruit and ornamental trees, including oak, elm, poplar, apricot, almond, and other trees, were planted on an area of more than 3 hectares.

In addition, landscaping and landscaping works, as well as plogging, were carried out in the Tashkent Botanical Garden, specialized boarding school No. 100, and other regions. In particular, the boarding school has planted more than 300 fruit trees and about 1,000 decorative flowers.

All regions actively participated in the Republican charity event. In particular, 600 thousand seedlings were planted in the Samarkand region, 550 thousand in the Fergana region, 200 thousand in the Syrdarya region, 700 thousand in the Jizzakh region, 120 thousand in the Andijan region, and more than 600 thousand trees in the Bukhara region. Also in the Ferghana region, a "Green Garden" has been laid out on an abandoned territory, where more than 1,000 seedlings of ornamental trees such as Paulownia, Catalpa, and Sophora Japonica, as well as 4,000 flowers, have been planted.

In addition, neighborhoods, shrines, avenues, and cemeteries are being cleared of garbage in all regions of the country.

For information: events within the framework of khashar are continuing. The goal is to improve mahallas, residential areas, avenues, shrines, cemeteries, playgrounds, and other places, as well as support socially vulnerable segments of the population.

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