In Geneva, the issue of reducing air pollution is being discussed
09. 2023

Currently, the 61st session of the Working Group on the "Strategy in the field of transboundary air pollution" program is taking place in Geneva.

The session was organized by the Secretariat of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. From the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the head of the department of atmospheric air protection policy, Azizjon Kalimbetov, is participating in the event.

It should be noted that the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution was adopted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in 1979 and created an international legal basis for joint efforts to combat air pollution.

The main principles of the Convention are the protection of human health and the environment from the negative consequences of pollution, research and monitoring of air pollution and its consequences on the regional level.

This convention is one of the major international agreements aimed at reducing emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

For reference, the Convention entered into force in 1983 and currently, it has 51 countries as parties within the territorial scope of the UNECE.

In our country, as well as worldwide, the expected development of energy can lead to excessive air pollution from exhaust gases.

This has a negative impact on human health. Thus, the Convention will enable the adoption of specific measures to control and reduce emissions into the atmosphere in Uzbekistan, as well as in neighboring countries in Central Asia. As a result, significant reductions in emissions and their negative impact on human health can be achieved.

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