A moratorium was introduced on the Tajik kavrag plant included in the Red Book
05. 2023

A moratorium was introduced on the Tajik cowberry plant, which is included in the Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This was carried out based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 16, 2023, "On additional measures to ensure the protection and rational use of pastures"

It should be noted that at present, the illegal use of the kavrak plant is the reason for the decline of this species, has a negative effect on its reproduction and natural reproduction. The purpose of the moratorium is to ensure the natural grow, reproduction, and restoration of the plant.

During a 3 year moratorium period, legal measures will be taken when cases of wild Tajik kavrav use are detected. In addition, strict control will be established over the use without the appropriate permission. (extraction, collection, cutting, damage, destruction) and sale of all types of kaurak plants, both those included in the Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan and those not included.                      

For information, fenugreek (Ferula) belongs to the celery family and is a perennial herb. There are more than 160 of its species on earth, 104 in Central Asian republics, and more than 50 in Uzbekistan.

Kavrak's resin is used in folk as a medicine against varicose veins, pulmonary tuberculosis, plague, wounds, whooping cough, toothache, nerves, and other diseases, as well as a tonic.

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