12 марта 2019 года в Ташкенте состоялась Конференция на тему «Зеленая экономика в Узбекистане: иллюзия или реальность?»
03. 2019

On March 12, 2019, a conference was held in Tashkent on the theme “Green economy in Uzbekistan: illusion or reality?” For representatives of ministries and departments, business structures, UN and the media as part of the social project “Hashar Week”.

For reference: “Green economy” is a direction in economics, formed in the last two decades, within which it is considered that the economy is a dependent component of the natural environment within which it exists and is part of it! The theory of "Green Economy" is based on three axioms: it is impossible to infinitely expand the sphere of influence in a limited space, it is impossible to demand satisfaction of infinitely growing needs in conditions of limited resources, everything on the Earth's surface is interconnected.


Climatic and geographical features of Uzbekistan, as well as its unique ecosystem, have put the issue of environmental sustainability in a number of national priorities. In the light of rapid economic development in recent years, Uzbekistan recognized the need to ensure a balance between economic growth and environmental protection in the last decade, the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan has identified a number of national goals aimed at improving energy efficiency and ensuring sustainable development (“green economy”), adaptation to the effects of climate change, as well as improving the system for preventing environmental and natural disasters and mitigating their consequences. It is also very important to ensure a balance between the growing needs for exhaustible natural resources and the rights of people to access natural resources, especially in rural areas, which will require an ever more rational use of these resources.

These priorities are consistent with the SDGs, which emphasize the need to address the following tasks: ensure the availability and rational use of water resources and sanitation for all; provide access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all; take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects; make cities and towns open, safe, resilient and environmentally sustainable; and protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and sustainable forest management, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt the loss of biodiversity.

Uzbekistan supports the Sustainable Development Goals and will continue to take appropriate measures to contribute to the global environmental work.

Over the years of independence, Uzbekistan has become a steadily and steadily developing country with a modern multi-branch economy, ensuring a cardinal growth in the well-being and quality of life of the population, and confident progress along the path of democratic renewal and modernization.


Along with this, significant efforts and efforts were aimed at improving the quality of the natural environment and ensuring a favorable environmental situation at both the national and regional levels.

Uzbekistan follows the path of greening the economy and at the same time seeks to accomplish tasks to accelerate economic and social development in the realities of the urgent need to respond to environmental management issues.

Currently, a purposeful policy is being implemented to further expand and deepen cooperation to attract investment and create joint ventures, opening up access to new and efficient environmentally friendly technologies, establishing cooperation with international organizations to strengthen the country's scientific and technological potential.




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