The essence of the law "On Conflict of Interests" has been clarified
07. 2024

On July 4, the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change held an event dedicated to explaining the essence and meaning of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Conflict of Interests", No. LRU-931 dated June 5, 2024, and Presidential Resolution No. 210, "On measures for the effective organization of the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Conflict of Interests"".

The event was attended by First Deputy Minister of Ecology Obidjon Kudratov, Chief Inspector of the Anti-Corruption Agency Sardor Mamanov, and officials of departments and system organizations of the Ministry. It was noted that the purpose of the Law "On Conflict of Interests" is to regulate relations related to conflict of interests. Attention was also drawn to what should be done to avoid conflicts of interest and not violate the law in this direction.

In addition, the participants were informed about the work done on the implementation of the system of compliance with the international standard ISO 37001:2016, "Anti-corruption Management System", and obtaining the appropriate certificate.

For information: The Law "On Conflict of Interests" applies to 69 state bodies, 220 local state bodies, more than 26 thousand state institutions, 503 state unitary enterprises, 23 state funds, and 153 joint-stock companies with a state share of more than 50% and above.

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