The first graduates of the advanced training course "Training of Environmental Auditors" were awarded diplomas 
05. 2024

Deputy Minister of Ecology Jusipbek Kazbekov presented diplomas to graduates of the advanced training course "Training of Environmental Auditors" at the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and climate change.

For information: The training course "Training of an Environmental Auditor" is organized by the Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Employees Engaged in Environmental Protection at the Central Asian University for the Study of Environmental Protection and Climate Change.

Advanced training courses are provided by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 678 dated March 15, 2021, "On Environmental Audit", Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 402 dated August 19, 2023, "On approval of certain regulatory legal documents regulating the field of environmental audit", and Order of the Ministry of Ecology No. 259 dated August 22, 2023, "On ensuring the implementation of the Cabinet Resolution Ministers of August 19, 2023, No. 402."

44 students have successfully completed a refresher course and are the first graduates of the Center.

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