The impact of the knitting enterprise on the environment has been studied
02. 2024

The State Center for Environmental Expertise of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change and the Almazar District Department of the Tashkent City Department of Ecology conducted monitoring of the activities of the foreign enterprise ZELAL TEKSTIL LLC.

The monitoring was conducted to ensure compliance with paragraph 24 of Annex 1 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 7 September 2020, No. 541 "On Further Improvement of the Mechanism of Environmental Impact Assessment" (spinning and weaving factories in the presence of dyeing and bleaching industries).

During the study, it became known that the fabric dust generated during the production of knitwear at the enterprise is cleaned with highly efficient glove filters. It has also been established that wastewater generated in the technological process is purified through an operating biological local treatment plant.

For information, today a foreign company, ZELAL TEKSTIL, is building a water treatment plant that meets modern international standards. According to this project, an expert opinion was given on the environmental consequences of expanding the territory of the enterprise and organizing production with the introduction of new technologies. This water treatment plant can purify 633,365 m3 of wastewater in one day.

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