The action called "Helping birds in winter" was held in Tashkent
02. 2024

On February 3, the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change held an action called "Help Birds in Winter," timed to coincide with International Bird Feeding Day. About 200 young eco-activists and volunteers took part in the event organized in the Tashkent Botanical Garden.

"Every year, the Ministry of Ecology conducts biotechnical activities in all protected natural territories of our republic to preserve biodiversity and protect animals, including birds, from the cold. This year, feed, grain, and hay were delivered to places where birds and animals congregate in protected areas", said Abdurashid Sadykov, Head of the Department of Biodiversity Policy at the Ministry of Ecology. -"Today's event is a continuation of Biotech's activities. We don't just want to protect birds, we also want to instill in future generations a love for birds and animals and a compassion for protecting them", he added.

During the action, participants installed birdhouses on trees and fed birds with food in various areas of the botanical park.

"This action was held not only in Tashkent but also in other regions of our republic. - said Zarrina Abdullayeva, head of the department for work with volunteers and eco-activists. – "Volunteers and eco-activists have placed food in places where birds congregate. We will continue our activities aimed at preserving not only birds but also all animals in the coming years", she added.

For reference: Today, there are only 487 species of birds in our country. Of these, 52 bird species are rare and listed in the Red Book. By the nature of their habitat, 86 species of birds are sedentary, 122 species are nesting and migratory, 63 species are only migratory, 80 species are migratory and wintering, 16 species are wintering, 54 species are nesting, migratory, and wintering, and 55 are migratory (rarely found). There are 320 migratory bird species in our country.

The history of International Bird Feeding Day dates back to 1890–1891. In those years, a very cold winter came from Europe, and the rivers Seine and Thames froze. Advertisements are published in English-language publications asking people to feed and take care of birds. Gradually, it became customary in England to feed birds every winter. Soon, bird feeding will become a tradition all over the world. In 1984, International Bird Feeding Month was established, and in 1994, February 3 was declared International Bird Feeding Day.

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