Measures to address climate change issues were discussed
12. 2023

At the forty-eighth plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, information on the activities of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan regarding the protection of atmospheric air and greening of territories in the field of climate change prevention was presented for consideration.

During the parliamentary hearings, it was noted that issues related to the protection of atmospheric air, expansion of greenery in regions to combat climate change in our country, and mitigation of its negative consequences are included in the development strategies of economic sectors and the national goals and objectives of sustainable development.

It should be noted that measures are being taken within the framework of the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 35% by 2030. As part of programs aimed at preventing climate change, 69 automatic sampling and pollution source analysis stations with a high risk of impact on atmospheric air have been installed at 44 industrial enterprises, as well as 27 stationary monitoring stations in adjacent areas.

For information, this year 716 dust and gas trapping devices have been repaired and modernized at 147 production and industrial enterprises. As a result, more than 10,000 tons of harmful emissions into the atmosphere have been prevented.

Furthermore, 32 dust and gas purification systems with an efficiency of no less than 95 percent have been installed at 14 operating industrial enterprises, and 12 newly established enterprises have installed systems with an efficiency of no less than 99.5 percent. In addition, as part of the "Clean Air" campaign, the operation of 2,914 vehicles has been temporarily suspended, resulting in a reduction of 209,232 tons of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere.

Moreover, within the framework of the nationwide project "Green Space" ("Yashil Makon"), 217 million seedlings have been planted this year. Around 189 industrial enterprises with a high impact on the environment, 1,730,000 seedlings have been planted, "green belts" with 135,000 tree seedlings have been created, and 196 waste collection points have been organized, around which dendroparks have been established.

During the hearings, it was also noted that some problems and deficiencies remain unchanged at the local level. As a result of the discussions, tasks were set to reduce the level of air pollution to the permissible norm in all regions of the republic, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 35% by 2030, and reduce methane emissions into the atmosphere by 30%.

At the same time, there is a need to install automatic devices for measuring fine-dispersed particles PM10-PM2.5 in cities and industrially developed areas, take measures to increase the efficiency of dust and gas purification equipment for manufacturers of construction materials and industrial enterprises to 99.5%.

In addition, instructions and recommendations were given regarding the tasks of creating an electronic map of trees, accelerating work on expanding green areas, transitioning transportation to environmentally friendly energy sources, increasing the number of environmentally friendly vehicles, and improving the effectiveness of the "Clean Air" measures, among others.

As a result of the discussion, the Senate made the corresponding decision to implement the aforementioned tasks.

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