Four trees were uprooted in the Bukhara region. The offender was ordered to plant 400 trees
09. 2023

News spread on social networks that during road construction work in the Gijduvan district of the Bukhara region, decorative trees were uprooted.

The Department of Ecology of the Bukhara region, together with the regional prosecutor's office, investigated the situation. During the investigation, it was found that four decorative trees were uprooted by a unitary enterprise responsible for maintaining roads in the Gijduvan district.

A protocol was drawn up against the director of the enterprise in accordance with part 2 of Article 79 of the Administrative Offenses Code of Uzbekistan.

In addition, damage to nature caused by the incident was estimated at 50 million 325 thousand soums. As an additional punishment, the offender was ordered to plant a total of 400 trees instead of the four uprooted ones and to take care of the planted trees in the future.

Documents have been sent to the judicial authorities to take appropriate measures against the offender.

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