In the Khorezm region, saxaul worth more than 60 million soums were uprooted. 
08. 2023

The Ecology Department of the Khorezm region, together with the regional prosecutor's office, conducted another raid.

During the operation, it was discovered that a citizen named D.A., residing in the Yangiaryk district, illegally uprooted and transported naturally growing saxaul plant in the Tuprakkalin district of the region.

An administrative protocol was drawn up against the offender D.A. under Article 79 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Uzbekistan, and a fine of 1 million 650 thousand soums was imposed.

The amount of damage caused as a result of the incident was 61 million 908 thousand soums.

In total, citizen D.A. is required to pay 63 million 558 thousand soums.

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