The rector of Green University under the Ministry of Ecology has been appointed.
07. 2023

Since July 24, 2023, Jasur Shavkatovich Salikhov has been appointed to the post of rector of the Central Asian University of Environment and Climate Change Studies (Green University) under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change.

Jasur Salikhov was born in 1976 in Tashkent. Graduated from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Bachelor).

It is important to note that J. Salikhov has a great international scientific experience. He is a holder of the Chevening Scholarship of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in the UK. Received a master's degree from York University in the UK. He also graduated from Waseda University in Japan with an MA in International Strategy and has worked as a researcher at Oriel College, Oxford University in the UK.

In 2007, J. Salikhov successfully defended his doctoral dissertation at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in Uzbekistan and received a Ph.D. degree - associate professor.

In addition, J. Salikhov was a member of the Japanese Foundation and completed his postdoctoral studies at the University of Tokyo. For more than 15 years he has lectured and conducted seminars in economics, microeconomics and related disciplines.

Previously, Salikhov worked as the director of the Department of Social Development at Westminster International University in Tashkent and vice-rector for finance and management.

From 2014 to the beginning of 2023, J. Salikhov served as rector of the Singapore Institute for Management Development in Tashkent. During his leadership, he introduced several new educational programs of universities in the UK - Bangor, Sunderland and Teeside.

For reference: The Board of Trustees of Green University is headed directly by the Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change Aziz Abduhakimov. Co-chairs of the board are recommended by the relevant ministries of Central Asian countries.

The board also includes officials from the Administration of the President, the Senate of the Oliy Majlis and the Legislative Chamber, the Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Permanent Representative of the UN Development Program, and representatives of other influential international organizations in the field of ecology.

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