Illegal fishing was stopped in the Syrdarya
04. 2023

On March 30-April 1, 2023, regular control raids were conducted in the Syrdarya region by the Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Syrdarya region, the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard.

On the raid on March 30-31, it was revealed that 2 citizens illegally fished in the Sardoba reservoir in the Sardoba district. On March 30, from 23:00 to 03:00, 242 fish of 3 species were caught with the help of prohibited fishing gear.

1 rubber boat, 1 battery, 1 electric fishing rod and 1 pair of oars were seized as physical evidence from the violators for temporary storage. Moreover, the amount of damage caused to the animal world by the violators has been estimated in the amount of 196 million 380 thousand sums. 

During the raid, on April 1, from 7:30 to 10:30 in the Sardoba reservoir, it was discovered that a total of 288 pieces of fish of 6 species were illegally caught by 4 citizens via using prohibited fishing gear. 2 aluminum boats, 2 petrol engines and 500 meters of fishing line were seized as physical evidence from the violators for temporary storage. In addition, the amount of damage caused by violators to the animal world was established in the amount of 83 million 670 thousand sums. 

In order to take measures in accordance with the procedure established by law on the above circumstances, documents were drawn up for submission to the prosecutor's office.

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