- News
- About Ministry
- Fundamentals of legal activity
- Functions and duties of the committee
- History of the Committee
- Administration
- Committee structure
- Announcements and tenders
- Youth policy
- Vacancies
- Performance Indicators
- Public Council
- Board of Committee
- International Relations
- E-government
- Spirituality and Education
- Anti-Corruption
- Green University
- Activity
- Documents
- Open data
- Open information on openness of the activity
- Open information about budget
- General open information
- Persons responsible for posting Public Information
- On the implementation of the State Program
- Conclusions of the given environmental expertise
- Public hearing
- Green gardens
- Work carried out by the internal audit department
- Information Service
- Services
- Contacts
- COP14
2024-yilning I-choragi davomida Ekologiya, atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish va iqlim o‘zgarishi vazirligi huzuridagi “Xavfsiz daryo boshqarmasi” DM tomonidan “E-AUKSION” elektron savdo maydonchasi orqali shartnoma tuzib realizatsiya qilingan loyihani amalga oshirish huquqini qo‘lga kiritgan tadbirkorlik subyektlari va boshqa tashkilotlar to‘g‘risida MA’LUMOT
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